Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Advertising and Society

Does society emulate advertising or does advertising emulate society? I believe as we discussed in class that it is a little bit of both rolling in a cycle. But if I had to choose I am leaning more in the direction of society emulating advertising. Because first of all without society and the people that exist in it there would be no one to advertise to, so both are needed to sell a product or further explain information about a product. Without women to advertise perfume and clothes to, or children to market toys to, or men to sell shaving cream to, where would advertising be?

In society we challenge those who advertise to tell us what we want and/or need. When we, as people make certain things issues they get talked about. We ask questions, which are sometimes unspoken or aren't formally expressed but they are there. Like when the winter season hits and girls are wondering what coat will be more fashionable, or when children are told to make Christmas lists, they want the commercial aside from their own thoughts, to tell them to get this new coat or toy.

The general public is influenced by the media a great deal and to a certain extent advertising makes people want what is out there and it shows us what is out there. Society challenges advertising to a degree because it makes the people who put out the advertisements think about and try to please society and what is going on in it. If advertising didn’t please some percent of the general public then it is not doing its job.

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